You can open the Status Options dialog box from the Option menu in the
Status Window.
You can use the Microsoft Windows Control Panel to turn individual sounds
zon or off.
You can change display options even as a document prints, but the changed
0DLQWDLQLQJWKH3ULQWHUsettings will notIURPtake effectWKH6WDWXVuntil the next print job:LQGRZ.
You can perform the following operations for maintaining the printer from the StatusD7HVWWindow:3DJH
You can print the same test page as that printed out when installing the Microsoft Windows Printing System. You can check the printer and software operation by printing a test page. You can also check the condition of the print head.
Since the test page is printed with the currently selected printing options, such as Dots Per Inch or Print ~uality, you can verify the $outputOLJQWKH3ULQWwith the settings+HDG8QLW.
You can align the print head unit. Print head alignment is necessary when you have print quality problems with the initial
z&OHDQprinting after installing or replacing the print head unit.
You can clean the print head unit with three kinds of cleaning procedures: Thorough, quick, and Custom.
You can print a test page with the Print Test Page button and perform the quick cleaning with the quick Clean button on the Toolbar in the Status Window.
You can also perform the above operations in the Printer Options dialog
8VLQJWKH0LFURVRIWbox, which:LQGRZV3ULQWLQJ6\VWHPcan be opened from the Status Window.