If you find that the ink tanks are installed in the wrong slots, follow these steps:
Examine each tank to see if another color of ink has come into the tank and mixed with its ink.
If this has happened, replace the ink tank with a new one.
Execute the custom cleaning again for each of the colors that were installed incorrectly.
You can repeat the custom cleaning procedure several times if the colors
zdo not seem accurate.
7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ7KH0LFURVRIW6\VWHP If the problem persists, replace the:LQGRZV3ULQWLQJink tanks with new ones.
When a problem occurs, the Status Window displays the printer error message. To resolve the problem, press Fl to view the
The following table contains additional information to help you solve any BJC- 620 printer operation problems that may occur with the Microsoft Windows