Signal Flow Diagram
Rhythm Channel Settings
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Table of Contents
FCC Statements
S a f e t y I n f o r m a t i o n
S a f e t y I n f o r m a t i o n
S a f e t y I n f o r m a t i o n
S a f e t y I n f o r m a t i o n
Front Control Panel
8BOOST INDICATOR When lit, this indicates that the Boost func- tion is active
Rhythm Channel
American Clean Classic Chime Black Angus
Rhythm Channel Settings
Lead I Channel
Thick Modern Cranked Vintage Heavy Dynamic
Lead I Channel Settings
Lead II Channel
Tight Aggression Fluid Legato Unleashed Monster
Lead II Channel Settings
Bright + Gain
Bright + Tight
5 Bright + Thick + Tight
4 Bright + Thick
Tight + Thick
Bright + Gain +
Rear Control Panel
Vintage 30-loaded Straight-front4x12 speaker cabinet. When the switch is OUT, it emulates the same speakers in a Slant- front 412 cabinet. Kustom went to great lengths to make sure that this signal sounded like the actual amp head and speaker cabinet combinations. This was accomplished in a studio envi- ronment using condenser microphones to analyze the tonality of the Double Cross when heard at “head level” versus “close mic’d” directly in front of the speaker. The result is a signal that reflects the true characteristics of these cabinets as heard by a player. If you haven’t tried the Double Cross’ Direct Out yet, we urge you to experiment with it for both live and studio ap- plications
10dBV 0.3v Pedal Effects Optimal
0 dBV 1v Rack Effects Optimal
Effects Loop Syncing
Nominal Signal to Noise
Amp Specifications
System Gain
Effects Loop
Signal Flow Diagram
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