w w w . d e l l . c o m s u p p o r t . d e l l . c o m
HINT: Connect the modem to an analog telephone jack only. The modem does not operate while it is connected to a digital telephone network.
REINSTALL THE SCANNER DRIVER— Reinstall the scanner driver. See the scanner documentation for instructions.
CHECK THE CONNECTION— Verify that the telephone line is connected to the green jack on the modem. (The green
CHECK THE TELEPHONE JACK— Disconnect the telephone line from the modem and connect it to a telephone. Listen for a dial tone.
CONNECT THE MODEM DIRECTLY TO THE TELEPHONE WALL JACK— If you have other telephone devices sharing the line, such as an answering machine, fax machine, surge protector, or line splitter, then bypass them and connect the modem directly to the telephone wall jack with the telephone line.
CHECK THE TELEPHONE LINE— Try using a different telephone line. If you are using a line that is 10 ft (3 m) or more in length, try a shorter one.