N600 Wireless Dual Band Gigabit Router WNDR3700v4
To reserve an IP address:
1.In the Address Reservation section of the screen, click the Add button.
2.In the IP Address field, type the IP address to assign to the computer or server. (Choose an IP address from the router’s LAN subnet, such as 192.168.1.x.)
3.Type the MAC address of the computer or server.
Tip: If the computer is already on your network, you can copy its MAC address from the Attached Devices screen and paste it here.
4.Click Apply to enter the reserved address into the table.
The reserved address is not assigned until the next time the computer contacts the router’s DHCP server. Reboot the computer, or access its IP configuration and force a DHCP release and renew.
To edit or delete a reserved address entry, select the radio button next to the reserved address you want to edit or delete. Then click Edit or Delete.
Quality of Service (QoS) Setup
QoS is an advanced feature that can be used to prioritize some types of traffic ahead of others. The WNDR3700v4 router can provide QoS prioritization over the wireless link and on the Internet connection.
To configure QoS:
Select Advanced > Setup > QoS Setup to display the following screen:
Enable WMM QoS for Wireless Multimedia Applications
The WNDR3700v4 router supports
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