| Appendix |
Broadcast – Transmitting data in all directions at once
Browser – A program that allows you to access resources on the web and provides them to you graphically
Cable modem – A device that allows you to connect a computer up to a coaxial cable and receive Internet access from your Cable provider
CardBus – A newer version of the PC Card or PCMCIA interface. It supports a
Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Avoidance – CSMA/CA
Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Detect – CSMA/CD
CAT 5 – Category 5. Used for 10/100 Mbps or 1Gbps Ethernet connections
Client – A program or user that requests data from a server
Collision – When do two devices on the same Ethernet network try and transmit data at the exact same time.
Cookie – Information that is stored on the hard drive of your computer that holds your preferences to the site that gave your computer the cookie
CSMA/CA – Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Avoidance
CSMA/CD – Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Detection
Data – Information that has been translated into binary do that it can be processed or moved to another device
Data Encryption Standard – Uses a randomly selected
Database – Organizes information so that it can be managed updated, as well as easily accessed by users or applications
dBd - decibels related to dipole antenna dBi - decibels relative to isotropic radiator dBm - decibels relative to one milliwatt
Decrypt – To unscramble an encrypted message back into plain text
Default – A predetermined value or setting that is used by a program when no user input has been entered for this value or setting
Demilitarized zone – DMZ. A single computer or group of computers that can be accessed by both users on the Internet as well as users on the Local Network, but that is not protected by the same security as the Local Network.
DHCP – Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. Used to automatically assign IP addresses from a predefined pool of addresses to computers or devices that requests them
Digital certificate – An electronic method of providing credentials to a server in order to have access to it or a network
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