Alcatel Carrier Internetworking Solutions 060187-10 REV D Ospf Overview, Ospf Hello Protocol

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Configuring OSPF

OSPF Overview





OSPF Overview

Open Shortest Path First routing (OSPF) is a shortest path first (SPF), or link-state, protocol. OSPF is an interior gateway protocol (IGP) that distributes routing information between routers in a Single Autono- mous System (AS). OSPF chooses the least-cost path as the best path.

Each participating router distributes its local state (i.e., the router’s usable interfaces, local networks, and reachable neighbors) throughout the AS by flooding. In a link-state protocol, each router maintains a data- base describing the entire topology. This database is built from the collected link state advertisements of all routers. Each multi-access network that has at least two attached routers has a designated router and a backup designated router. The designated router floods a link state advertisement for the multi-access network.

When a router starts, it uses the OSPF Hello Protocol to discover neighbors. The router sends Hello pack- ets to its neighbors, and in turn receives their Hello packets. On broadcast and point-to-point networks, the router dynamically detects its neighboring routers by sending Hello packets to a multicast address. On nonbroadcast and point-to-multipoint networks, some configuration information is necessary in order to configure neighbors. On all networks (broadcast or nonbroadcast), the Hello Protocol also elects a desig- nated router for the network.

Hello. Please respond...













Hello. Please respond...

Are you a neighbor...













Are you a neighbor...

My link state is...













My link state is...


























































































































































OSPF Hello Protocol

The router will attempt to form full adjacencies with all of its newly acquired neighbors. Only some pairs, however, will be successful in forming full adjacencies. Topological databases are synchronized between pairs of fully adjacent routers.

Adjacencies control the distribution of routing protocol packets. Routing protocol packets are sent and received only on adjacencies. In particular, distribution of topological database updates proceeds along adjacencies.

Link state is also advertised when a router’s state changes. A router’s adjacencies are reflected in the contents of its link state advertisements. This relationship between adjacencies and link state allows the protocol to detect downed routers in a timely fashion.

Link state advertisements are flooded throughout the AS. The flooding algorithm ensures that all routers have exactly the same topological database. This database consists of the collection of link state advertise- ments received from each router belonging to the area. From this database each router calculates a short- est-path tree, with itself as root. This shortest-path tree in turn yields a routing table for the protocol.

OmniSwitch 6600 Family Advanced Routing Configuration Guide March 2005

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Contents OmniSwitch 6600 Family Advanced Routing Configuration Guide Page Contents Alcatel INTERNETWORKING, INC. AII Unsupported Platforms Supported PlatformsWhat is in this Manual? When Should I Read this Manual?What is Not in this Manual? Who Should Read this Manual?Documentation Roadmap Stage 1 Using the Switch for the First TimeHow is the Information Organized? Anytime Stage 2 Gaining Familiarity with Basic Switch FunctionsStage 3 Integrating the Switch Into a Network Related Documentation OmniSwitch 6600 Family Getting Started GuideTechnical Support This Chapter Configuring OspfOspf Specifications Parameter Description Command Default Value/Comments Ospf Defaults TableOspf Quick Steps Router ID Admin Status = Enabled Admin Status = Enabled Operational Status = UpShow ip ospf area Area Identifier Area Type = normalOspf Hello Protocol Ospf OverviewOspf Intra-Area and Inter-Area Routing Ospf AreasClassification of Routers Ospf Routers Connected with a Virtual Link Virtual LinksOspf Stub Area Stub AreasTotally Stubby Area Example Not-So-Stubby-AreasEqual Cost Multi-Path Ecmp Routing Graceful Restart on Stacks with Redundant SwitchesNon Broadcast Ospf Routing Multiple Equal Cost PathsOspf Graceful Restart Helping and Restarting Router Example Configuring Ospf Preparing the Network for Ospf Loading the Software Activating OspfEnabling Ospf Removing Ospf from MemoryCreating an Area Creating an Ospf AreaEnabling an Area Specifying an Area TypeDeleting an Area Enabling and Disabling SummarizationDisplaying Area Status Setting Area Ranges Configuring Stub Area Default MetricsConfiguring a Totally Stubby Area No ip ospf area default-metricEnter the following commands on Router B Creating an Interface Creating Ospf InterfacesAssigning an Interface to an Area Activating an InterfaceMD5 Encryption Interface AuthenticationSimple Authentication Ip ospf interface dead-interval 50 cost Modifying Interface ParametersIp ospf interface hello-interval Ip ospf interface dead-intervalModifying Virtual Link Parameters Creating Virtual LinksCreating a Virtual Link Enabling Redistribution Creating Redistribution Policies and FiltersSpecifying an Autonomous System Boundary Router Creating a Redistribution Filter Creating a Redistribution PolicyShow ip ospf redist-filter rip Show ip ospf redist-filterShow ip ospf redist-filter rip No ip ospf redist-filter rip Router Capabilities Ip ospf neighbor eligible Configuring Static NeighborsIp ospf interface type non-broadcast No ip ospf restart-support Ip ospf restart-support planned-onlyThree Area Ospf Network Ospf Application ExamplePrepare the Routers Ospf Application ExampleConfiguring Ospf Router Enable OspfOspf Application Example Examine the Network Verifying Ospf Configuration Alcatel License Agreement Software License and Copyright StatementsAlcatel License Agreement Software License and Copyright Statements OpenLDAP Public License Version 2.4, 8 December Booting and Debugging Non-Proprietary SoftwareThird Party Licenses and Notices Preamble LinuxGNU General Public License Version 2, June Third Party Licenses and Notices Software License and Copyright Statements Third Party Licenses and Notices Appendix How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs Random.c University of CaliforniaCarnegie-Mellon University Agranat Apptitude, IncRSA Security Inc Sun Microsystems, IncNetwork Time Protocol Version Wind River Systems, IncIndex Index