or by scanning the following barcode:
Full Report
Note: The PQA report is sent out as a second data/beep sequence after the barcode data. The report has its own Honeywell code ID of >(0X3E) so it can be uniquely identified.
You can exit Full Report mode by either typing the menu command, 2D_PQA0, if you are using Quick*View, or by scanning the following barcode:
Note: For additional information on interpreting your read results, please refer to Honeywell’s Quick Check 2D Print Assessment User’s Guide.
Visual Xpress Introduction
Visual Xpress provides a wide range of
To communicate with a document reader, Visual Xpress requires that the PC have at least one available serial communication port, or a serial port emulation using a physical USB port. If you are using the serial port and
Visual Xpress Operations
The Visual Xpress software performs the following operations:
Scan Data
Scan Data allows you to scan barcodes and display the barcode data in a window. Scan Data lets you send serial commands to the document reader and receive document reader response that can be seen in the Scan Data window. The data displayed in the Scan Data window can either be saved in a file or printed.
Configure displays the programming and configuration data of the document reader. The document reader's programming and configuration data is grouped into different categories. Each category is dis- played as a tree item under the "Configure" tree node in the application explorer. When one of these tree nodes is clicked, the
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