Source Technologies CRM+BPM manual Ml e xs ­ sR r e p

Page 4

D e m o n sDtrea mt ioon COo rrgp a. n iz a t io n














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U S S a l e s











C a n a d a S a le s











N a t io n a l S a le s M a n a g e r










N a t i o n a l S a l e s M a n a g e r













J a m e s B r o o k











S c o t t K r a d i c h





























































































W e s t e r


R e g io n


S o u t h e r


R e g i o n


M id w e s


R e g io n


S a l e


R e p



R e g io n a l M a n a g e r


R e g io n a l M a n a g e r


R e g i o n a l M a n a g e r


c a n ­ s r





C l a r k H o u s t o n



D o n H u c k le




S a l D o w n e y
















































































































S a le


R e p



S a le


R e p



S a le


R e p












u s ­ w s s r







u s ­ s t s r







u s ­ m w s r



















































M e x ic o S

a l e




N a t i o n aJl oShanl eDs


a n a g e r







S a ml e xs ­ sR r e p

Figure 1.

The organizational chart/hierarchydiagram illustrates organizational hierarchy, roles associated with the levels of hierarchy and actual people assigned to these levels. The leaf nodes (lowest level) of hierarchy are transactional nodes. This is where actual work takes place. This is the vertical model of an organization. Later in the business cases on running reports, signing­off, etc., we will see how the vertical model enables differentpeople at different levels, view/perform different data/activities.

Organizational Process(Workflow) Management:

Below is a sample organizational process(workflow) diagram:

The organizational process diagram illustrates the horizontal model or flow of work (that takes place at the leaf nodes of organizational hierarchy.)

Image 4
Contents Ohioedge CRM+BPM Server Users Guide Tammy Dixit January 5 Ohioedge CRM+BPM Server Users Guide Introduction Background Ml e xs ­ sR r e p To be completed Campaign ManagementAssignment Management Creating an Activity Activity created by a campaignPage Page Page Page Page Business Cases Login Here are some results Activity Audit Report Number of open activities by Assignee Report Page Page Page Business Case II Activities review by Regional Manager Page Page Business Case III To­do review by Sales Rep Page Page Page Page Page Page Shows the bottom part of the Activity screen Page Page Email Template Letter Template Summary