Unplug the power cord (by pulling the plug, not the cord) and disconnect the ethernet cable or phone cord if any of the following conditions exist:
ÂYou want to add memory
ÂThe power cord or plug becomes frayed or otherwise damaged
ÂYou spill something into the case
ÂYour iMac is exposed to rain or excess moisture
ÂYour iMac has been dropped or the case has been damaged
ÂYou suspect that your iMac needs service or repair
ÂYou want to clean the case (use only the recommended procedure described later)
Important: The only way to turn off power completely is to unplug the power cord. Make sure at least one end of the power cord is within easy reach so that you can unplug your iMac when you need to.
WARNING: Your AC cord has a
Chapter 5 Last, but Not Least | 63 |