More Information
For more information about using your MacBook Pro, see the following:
To learn about | See |
Installing memory | Chapter 3, “Boost Your MacBook Pro” on page 35. |
Troubleshooting your | Chapter 4, “Problem, Meet Solution” on page 51. |
MacBook Pro if you have |
a problem |
Finding service and support | “Learning More, Service, and Support” on page 64. Or go to the |
for your MacBook Pro | Apple Support site at www.apple.com/support/macbookpro. |
Using Mac OS X | The Mac OS X website at www.apple.com/macosx. Or search for |
| “Mac OS X” in Mac Help. |
Moving from a PC to a Mac | “Why You’ll Love a Mac” at www.apple.com/getamac/whymac. |
Using iLife applications | The iLife website at www.apple.com/ilife. Or open an iLife |
| application, open Help for the application, and then type a |
| question in the search field. |
Changing system preferences | System Preferences by choosing Apple (K) > System Preferences. |
| Or search for “system preferences” in Mac Help. |
Using the trackpad | Open System Preferences and click Trackpad. |
Using the iSight camera | Mac Help and search for “iSight.” |
Using the keyboard | Mac Help and search for “keyboard.” |
Using AirPort Extreme wireless | The AirPort Support page at www.apple.com/support/airport. |
technology | Or open Mac Help and search for “AirPort.” |