Fig. 3.4: Noise reduction in the effects bus
3.2.4 Noise reduction for effects devices
Effects devices such as flangers, phasers, distortion or chorus units, delay and reverb devices, compressors, equalizers, exciters, etc. can considerably increase the overall noise level. The DENOISER will also be useful here. Simply insert the unit after the effects device that causes noise problems. If there are several devices, insert the DENOISER as the last unit in the signal chain.
3.2.5 Noise reduction during tape duplication
The noise produced by magnetic tapes can be significantly reduced with the DENOISER. Tape/cassette copies will provide low noise and higher dynamics.
Particularly old and noisy tapes can be new lease of live with the DENOISER. If adjusted properly, it will produce copies that sound better than the original.
Simply insert the BEHRINGER DENOISER between the line outputs of the master machine and the inputs of the recorder.
Machines with tape return monitor function allow you to check the quality of the copy while duplicating the tape.
Fig. 3.5: Reducing noise during tape duplication
3.2.6 Noise reduction for instruments
Digital instruments (synthesizers, samplers, etc.) often produce quantization noise, which can be very annoying. The DENOISER can be inserted directly after the instrument and will remove typical noise tails etc.