Thank you very much for expressing your confidence in BEHRINGER products by purchasing the BEHRINGER DENOISER SNR2000.
Electrical noise is still one of the most unpleasant problems in the field of
Conventional noise reduction systems
Conventional noise reduction systems often suffer from several perceivable drawbacks: either the noise reduction process deteriorates the signal by cutting the
The interactive technology of the DENOISER
With the DENOISER we offer one of the most efficient noise reduction systems using
The noise reduction capabilities of the BEHRINGER DENOISER are based on bandwidth limiting by means of a dynamic
The need for both a professional and
The TAC (Transient Attack Control) circuitry, a new BEHRINGER development, opens the filter even when processing percussive material, without e.g. cutting a drum’s “kick”.
A newly developed IRC (Interactive Ratio Control) expander has been integrated into the DENOISER. The ratio of which is automatically adjusted, dependent on the program material. The result is an expander which can be adjusted without deteriorating your audio. Furthermore, the expander is more tolerant of those signals which appear slightly above the background noise.
The BEHRINGER DENOISER proves to be an excellent tool for the professional sound engineer. Furthermore, the extensive control features provide specific and successful processing of all sortes of program material.
The unit can be used in broadcasting and TV, professional studios, CD mastering studios and for P.A. and intercom systems etc. It is useful for cleaning up studio tracks, tape duplications, motion picture sound tracks, during mixdown, and more.
Be it noise reduction for instruments (guitars, keyboards, etc.) or for effects devices (flangers, distortion units, phasers, chorus units, digital delays, compressors, equalizers, pedal board devices, analog delays, psycho- acoustic effects units, pitch shifters, etc.) the BEHRINGER DENOISER is the
+This manual first describes the terminology used, so that you can fully understand the SNR2000 and its functions. Please read the manual carefully and keep it for future reference.
1.1 The design concept
The philosophy behind BEHRINGER products guarantees a