Fig. 3.2: Noise reduction during recording
If the mixer features a “line level insert” (either pre or post equalizer), the DENOISER should be inserted here.
Fig. 3.3: Noise reduction using the “line insert”
3.2.3Reducing noise on subgroups, monitor and effects buses For this application there are several options:
1. If your mixer features subgroup inserts, you can reduce noise in subgroups separately.
2.You can also connect monitor or effects buses (aux sends) to the BEHRINGER DENOISER and route the signal back to a channel input. For this purpose, the respective signals have to be taken “pre fader”, while the respective channels must be muted. We recommend to use the DENOISER as the last component in the chain of effects devices. The overall signal will then be processed by the DENOISER and sent back to the mixer’s master section via the “effect returns”.