MODBUS RTU Communications
Symptom | Possible Causes | Solution |
Communications between the host | COM port not configured in | Verify that the COM port is |
computer and the controller are | system. | configured in the system. |
unsuccessful. |
| Cabling between computer and | Verify that the cable between the |
| controller. | computer and the controller is |
| correctly wired. |
| Baud rate and parity configured | Verify that the baud rate and |
| incorrectly. | parity on the computer are |
| consistent with those on the |
| controller. |
| MODBUS port not configured for | Verify that the controller's |
| RTU communications. | MODBUS port is configured for |
| RTU communications. |
| Wrong address. | Verify that the slave address is |
| correct. |
Network Communications
Symptom | Possible Causes | Solution |
Conflicts on network. | IP Address not unique. | Change the IP address to a unique |
| address. (Contact your system |
| administrator if this or other |
| settings need to be changed.) |
| Touch Display Products: IC752CTD400/450 | 31 |