10 cleaning and care electrolux integrated barbecue
Cleaning and care
The Electrolux Integrated barbecue has been constructed from select grade stainless steel which, if not cared for, may discolour over time. To keep your barbecue looking its best we recommend that the cooking surfaces are cleaned after every use.
Please ensure that your barbecue is switched off and has cooled down before following the instructions below.
Cleaning of Stainless Steel components
Hot Plate and Grill
så 2EMOVEåALLåSOLIDåMATERIALSåANDåEXCESSåGREASEåFROMåGRILLå and hotplate using scraper or wire brush
så 4OåMAKEåCLEANINGåEASYåTHEåTWOåGRILLåHALVESåCANåBEå removed with the hotplate. For stubborn stains, simply soak the grill and plate components in hot soapy water before rinsing thoroughly
Other stainless steel surfaces
Do not use abrasive or caustic cleaners, scourers or metal scrapers on these stainless steel surfaces as they may permanently scratch and damage your barbecue.
så 7ASHåALLåSTAINLESSåSTEELåCOMPONENTSåINCLUDINGåTHEå slimline lid, the roasting hood and control knobs with a soft dishcloth using hot soapy water
så 4HEåBARBECUEåINTERIORåCANåBEåWIPEDåDOWNåWITHåAåSOFTå cloth in hot soapy water. The rear panel of the interior is removable for easy cleaning
Cleaning the Oil Reservoirs
The Integrated barbecue has a unique oil management system which uses overlapping channels to drain all oil to the front into easily removed reservoirs and should be cleaned after each use.
så 4OåREMOVEåRESERVOIRSåPULLåUPWARDSåFROMåTHEåFRONTåOFåTHEå barbecue and dispose of the contents of the catchment responsibly. Rinse oil reservoirs in warm soapy water.
The reservoirs can be placed in the dishwasher if desired.
tips and information
Special note on “tea staining”
Sometimes stainless steel surfaces are affected by a brown discolouration called tea staining. This usually occurs in areas which use high heat and can be easily removed using specialised stainless steel cleaners. For best results, we recommend that specialised cleaners be used regularly on all stainless steel components. You will find these cleaners at most hardware stores.
tips and information
Special note on stainless steel
The stainless steel panels may distort while in use but will return to normal when cold.
Take extra care (particularly when cleaning on and around the control knobs) to ensure that water and soapy residue do not enter the control panel, where the valves are or into the burners. Care should also be taken not to disturb the spark electrode. A distance of 5mm should be maintained between it and the burners (see diagram below).