Internet Robot Resources
The Internet contains a wide variety of resource pertaining to robots. Virtually all Universities provide research documents and files on the Internet for those interested. Many contain information about robot programming, navigation and control issues. This information can be obtained using a Web browser such as Netscape or via FTP (File Transfer Protocol). Various newsgroups are available that allow readers to exchange ideas and ask questions.
Arrick Robotics maintains an Internet Web Site at www.robotics.com. At this site you can browse pages describing various product offerings and view the latest demonstration code and example programs. You can also send
The following information is a sample of
Web Sites
www.robotics.com/arobot - ARobot Information Page, FAQ, Projects, etc. www.robotics.com/arobot/faq.html - ARobot FAQ. www.robotics.com/arobot/projects.html - ARobot Projects. www.parallaxinc.com - Parallax Basic Stamp Information
www.robotics.com/robots.html - Robotics Information Central, Tons of good links. www.robotics.com/mechpart.html - Mechanical Parts Source List www.robotics.com/robomenu - The RoboMenu allows you to show off your robot www.robotics.com/motors.html - What’s the difference between servo and stepper motors www.robotics.com/highload.html - Driving
www.controlled.com - Journal of Computer Controlled Systems, PC/104 www.dprg.org - Dallas Personal Robotics Group
www.ai.mit.edu - Artifical Intelligence at MIT
For more links see: www.robotics.com/robots.html