6.Setup may need to copy some Windows NT files from your original Windows NT
7.Setup may also need drivers from the Linksys diskette. Type a:\ or the loca- tion of the floppy disk if this window appears.
8.NT will ask you to supply the I/O Base, Interrupt, Memory and Connection Type values for the card. Choose Autosense for the Connection Type and Auto for all the others.
If you're not sure of the interrupt and other resource values that are available for use on your PC, or if you are experiencing conflict errors, click on Start, then Run. Type WINMSD and press Enter. Click on the Resources tab. Look at the IRQs that are already in use and choose one that is unused. To check the I/O values, click on the I/O Port button.
9.When you're finished entering your I/O, Memory and Interrupt values, click on Continue. NT will copy necessary workstation files to your computer.
11.If you have installed the TCP/IP protocol, the Setup will ask you if you will be obtaining IP addresses from a DHCP server. If you click Yes, continue on to step number 10.
If you click No, you will need to obtain the necessary TCP/IP information from your network server to complete the TCP/IP properties requirements.
Please Note: If you need to install the TCP/IP Protocol, contact your system administrator or refer to the Windows NT documentation. Linksys does not provide technical support for the setup or configuration of the TCP/IP protocol.
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