Understanding SCSI
Terminating the SCSI Bus
To ensure reliable communication on the SCSI bus, terminators must be installed (or enabled) on the devices at the physical ends of the SCSI bus. The terminators on all devices between the physical ends must be removed (or disabled). Termination on the SlimSCSI 1450 is permanently enabled, since it is always at one end of the SCSI bus.
There are various methods for terminating disk drives and other SCSI devices. Read the device documentation if you are not sure how to do this. Here are some general guidelines for termination:
■Termination is usually controlled by installing or removing a SCSI terminator. On some SCSI devices, termination is con- trolled by setting a switch on the back of the device, as shown in the illustration on page 3.
■Most SCSI devices come from the factory with termination enabled.
SCSI Connector Types
Several different types of SCSI connectors are used on SCSI devices, and each type requires a different kind of cable. The
The DB25 connector shown here is typically used with Iomega ZIP drives, Syquest EZFlyer, etc.:
If one of your SCSI devices has a DB25 connector, you will need to use the