Adaptec PCM-3420, PC/104 manual Formatter and Partitioner afdisk

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Formatter and Partitioner (afdisk)

Use the DOS-based afdisk utility to partition and format SCSI hard disk drivers, Floptical drivers, and magneto-optical drivers. You can also use afdisk to remove DOS and non-DOS partitions from a disk drive and to format removable media in standard disk format, OS/2 floppy format, or DOS/V (Japanese) format.

Note : Use afdisk only if the disk device is not controlled by the PCM-3420 host adapter BIOS - that is , if the PCM-3420’s BIOS is not enabled. If the disk device is controlled by the PCM-3420 host adapter BIOS, use the DOS fdisk utility to partition and format the disk device .(See the MS-DOS documentation)

Run afdisk from the DOS prompt only, not from the Windows MS-DOS prompt. Before you run it, be sure the disk devices you want to format and partition are connected to the PCM-3420 host adapter and they are powered. Then follow these steps :

1.Change to the directory where afdisk.exe is located (usually c:\scsi), type afdisk at the DOS prompt, and press Enter.

Information about your SCSI disk devices appears on the screen. (The number that appears after Target is the device’s SCSI ID.)

2.Use the arrow keys to move the highlight bar to disk device you want to partition, then press Enter.

lIf the selected disk device is controlled by the PCM-3420 host adapter BIOS, you can view information about it but you cannot partition it with afdisk (Use the DOS fdisk and format utilities).

lIf the selected disk device is unpartitioned, you must partition it before you can format it. To do this , follow the instruction on the screen. (Press F1 to see an explanation on the partition- ing options.)

Information about the selected disk device appears in the lower left of the screen. Disk smaller than 1 Gigabyte have 64 heads, 32 sectors per track, and cylinders equal to the number of Mbytes of available capacity. Disks larger than 1 Gigabyte have 255heads, 63 sectors per track, and one cylinder per 8 M Bytes of available capacity.

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Contents PCM-3420 PC/104 Fast SCSI-2 Module Page Copyright Notice AcknowledgementsPacking Set Contents Appendix B Pin Assignments Appendix a Installing PC/104 ModulesAppendix C Glossary of Technical Terms39 General Information Product Highlights IntroductionFeatures Peripheral Device SupportTechnical Specifications SpecificationsPhysical and Environmental Specifications Board layout Page Hardware Installation Jumpers and Connectors Jumpers Label FunctionJP6 JP7 JP2 Locating Jumpers & Connectors Setting Jumpers Installing PCM-3420 Module PrecautionsFactory Default Settings Jumper Configuration Reference JP2SD0 SD1 SD2 DMA DC1 DC2 This jumper block provides six major PCM-3420 operation mode CC000h CFFFFh Scsi Hard Disk Drive Connector CN1 Page EZ-SCSI Quick Reference Quick Start Instructions System Requirements for Full Installa- tionWindows 95 or Windows NT Windows/Windows for Workgroups DOSScsi Device Troubleshooting Troubleshooting TipsWindows 95/Windows NT Troubleshooting General Information Page General Information DOS and Windows 3.1x Aspi Managers Information for DOS/Windows 3.1x UsersDOS and Windows 3.1x Device Driver DOS Formatting UtilitiesLow-level Formatter scsifmt Formatter and Partitioner afdisk Removable Media Manager rmvtool Page Installing PC/104 Modules Installing PC/104 modules PC/104 Module Mounting Diagram Page Pin Assignments PC/104 Connectors J1 , J2 Pin SignalInternal SCSI-2 Connector CN Page Glossary of Technical Terms Adaptec EZ-SCSI Termpwr GND Synchronous Transfer Bios Devicedriver DOS Partition Chronous Full Scsi IRQ Narrow Scsi device as opposed to Wide Scsi device Port I/O Address Scsi Device Taggedqueuing Termination Page Appendix C Glossary of Terms