need to be set to the same authentication type.
•Shared: Shared key is when both the sender and the recipient share a secret key.
•LEAP: Light Extensible Authentication Protocol. It is an EAP authentication type used primarily in Cisco Aironet WLANs. It encrypts data transmissions using dynamically generated WEP keys, and supports mutual authentication (only with CCX mode enabled.)
Encryption Type: For Open and Shared authentication mode, the selection of encryption type are None and WEP. For WPA, WPA2,
WEP Key: Only valid when using WEP encryption algorithm. The key must match with the AP’s key. There are several formats to enter the keys.
•Hexadecimal (128bits): 26 Hex characters (0~9, a~f).
•ASCII (128bits): 13 ASCII characters.
Show Password: Check this box to show the password you en02tered.
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