Configure the Appliance
6.Select from the following, highlight OK, and press Enter.
•static IP: uses a static IP address to configure Ethernet
•DCHP: uses a DHCP server to configure Ethernet
•loopback: used to set up a loopback connection (modem or no net)
Note: Static IP is recommended; however, you must evaluate your network environment.
The ENTER IP ADDRESS FOR “your host name” screen appears.
7.Enter the appliance IP address, highlight OK, and press Enter. The ENTER NETMASK FOR LOCAL NETWORK screen appears.
8.Enter the appliance netmask, highlight OK, and press Enter. The ENTER GATEWAY ADDRESS screen appears.
9.Enter the gateway address for your network, highlight OK, and press Enter.
Note: If you do not have a gateway on your network, leave the field blank and press Enter.
The USE A NAME SERVER screen appears.
10.If you will be accessing a name server, highlight Yes and press Enter. The SELECT NAME SERVER screen appears.
11.Enter the primary name server IP address, highlight OK, and press Enter. The CONFIRM NETWORK SETUP screen appears.
12.Verify your information, highlight ACCEPT, and press Enter. Press Enter again in the second verification screen to accept.
Basic network configuration is complete. The ENTER MANAGEMENT SERVER IP screen appears.
13.Enter the IP address of the management server, highlight OK, and press Enter. The HW CLOCK screen appears.
14.Select the hardware clock setting, and then the timezone configuration. Highlight OK and press Enter.
The ENABLE SNMP DAEMON screen appears.
15.To monitor the appliance using an SNMP node manager, highlight YES and press Enter. The ENTER SYSTEM CONTACT and the ENTER SYSTEM LOCATION screens appear.
16.Enter the system contact and the system location. Highlight OK and press Enter for each screen.
17.Enter the read community string, write community string, SNMP trap destination, and the trap community string. Highlight OK and press Enter for each screen.
18.Configuration is complete. Reboot the appliance.