Chapter 3: Accessing a Virtual Console Server via the Web Manager 15
5.Click Next to configure users or click on the Network, Security, License or Users link to open the appropriate screen.
To configure users and change the default user passwords:
WARNING: For security reasons, it is recommended you change the default password for both root and admin
1.Select the Users link in the content area.
2.Click a username (admin or root) and enter the new password in the Password and Confirm Password fields.
Click Add to add a user. Enter the new username and password in the appropriate fields.
3.(Optional) To force the user to change the default password, select the User must change password at next login checkbox.
4.Assign the user to one or more groups.
5.(Optional) Configure account expiration and password expiration.
6.Click Next.
7.Repeat steps
NOTE: By default, all configured users can access all enabled ports. Additional configuration is needed if your site security policy requires you to restrict user access to ports.
8.Click Save, then click Finish.
Expert Mode
The following tabs are available in the Side Navigation Bar of the web manager when an administrator is in Expert mode.
Click Access to view all the devices connected to the virtual console server.
To view and connect to devices using the web manager:
1.Select Access in the Side Navigation Bar. The content area displays the name of the virtual console server and a list of names or aliases for all installed and configured devices the user