Chapter 3: Accessing a Virtual Console Server via the Web Manager 25
NOTE: Spaces are not allowed in the chain name.
6.Add one or more rules to complete the chain configuration.
To change the policy for a default chain:
1.Select Network - Firewall.
2.Select either IPv4 Filter Table or IPv6 Filter Table as needed.
3.Select the checkbox next to the name of the chain you want to change (FORWARD, INPUT, OUTPUT).
4.Click Change Policy and select Accept or Drop from the
5.Click Save.
To add a rule:
1.Select Network - Firewall.
2.Select either IPv4 Filter Table or IPv6 Filter Table as needed.
3.From the chain list, click the name of the chain to which you want to add a rule.
4.Click Add and configure the rule as needed, then click Save.
To edit a rule:
1.Select Network - Firewall.
2.Select either IPv4 Filter Table or IPv6 Filter Table as needed.
3.From the chain list, click the name of the chain with the rule you want to edit.
4.Select the rule you want to edit and click Edit.
5.Modify the rule as needed and click Save.
Virtual Private Network (VPN) enables a secure communication between the virtual console server and a remote network by utilizing a gateway and creating a secured connection between the virtual console server and the gateway. The IPSec protocol is used to construct the secure tunnel and provides encryption and authentication services at the IP level of the protocol stack.
NOTE: IPSec(VPN) is not supported with IPv6.
When Network - IPSec(VPN) is selected, the IPSec(VPN) screen is displayed.