7 - Programming the DC Source
Discrete Fault Indicator (DFI)
The discrete fault indicator is an open-collector logic signal connected to the rear panel FLT connection
that can be used to signal external devices when a fault condition is detected. To select the internal fault
source that drives this signal, use:
OUTPut:DFI:SOURce QUEStionable | OPERation | ESB | RQS | OFF
To enable or disable the DFI output, use:
Using the Inhibit/Fault Port as a Digital I/O
You can configure the inhibit/fault port to provide a digital input/output to be used with custom digital
interface circuits or relay circuits. As shipped from the factory, the port is shipped for inhibit/fault
operation. You can change the configuration of the port to operate as a general-purpose digital input
output port with the following command:
[SOURce:]DIGital:FUNCtion RIDFi | DIGio
The following table shows the pin assignments of the mating plug when used in RI/DFI mode as well as
Digital I/O mode. Refer to Table A-2 for the electrical characteristics of the port.
1 FLT Output OUT 0 0
2 FLT Output OUT 1 1
3 INH Input IN/OUT 2 2
4 INH Common Common not programmable
To program the digital I/O port use:
[SOURce:]DIGital:DATA <data>
where the data is an integer from 0 to 7 that sets pins 1 to 3 according to their binary weight. Refer to the
DIGital:DATA command for more information.