Important Reminders
While Taking A Measurement, con’t
✓When taking multiple measurements right after each other, make sure you wait at least 10 minutes in between. Waiting allows your blood vessels to return to their normal state.
✓Sit with your legs uncrossed and your feet flat on the floor. Do not touch the cuff or monitor at any time during the mea- surement. Relax.
NOTE: Blood pressure constantly changes during the course of a day. Occasionally, high or low readings do not necessarily mean your monitor is malfunctioning or that you are ill. It is impor- tant to speak with your doctor to learn what your normal blood pressure is and if you experience related abnormal measurements.
Applying The Cuff
•Before you put the cuff on your wrist make certain that you are
not wearing a thick coat or sweater.
•If you are wearing a long sleeved shirt, roll up the sleeve, but make sure that it is not constricting circulation to your arm.
•Wrap the cuff around your left wrist making sure that it is secure but is not too tight.
•Place your arm on a table with your palm facing upwards; the monitor should be facing you. It is important to make sure that the wrist cuff is at the same level as your heart. You can rest your wrist on the closed
storage case provided with your monitor.
16 Important Reminders | Applying The Cuff 17 |