The automatic procedure is recommended, especially when installing the appliance, to ensure quick and easy tuning of all the channels available in your area.
Tuning and storing channels automatically
This procedure uses an Automatic Tuning System (ATS) to log all of the receivable channels associated with broadcasters in your area, and store them automatically under corresponding programme numbers. Before proceeding, check that the factory- set transmission standard corresponds to the one used normally in your own country (to check and if necessary change the tran- smission standard, see under the section “Tuning and storing channels in Manual mode, step
Proceed as follows:
1)Press the yellow button [4] to display the Main Settings menu.
2)Scroll through the menu to “Setup” and confirm the selec- tion.
3)Select the option “Country” and identify the country where you live (the available countries, identified by their inter- national codes, are: A, B, CH, D, F, UK, I, NL, E and, for other countries “_ _”). By selecting your country, you enable the ATS tuning system to pair the more important national channels automatically with the first available programme numbers. For example, selecting “I” for Italy, the system will automatically store RAI 1, RAI 2, RAI 3 etc, under the first few programme numbers.
4)Now select “Ch. Table” and identify the area of Europe in which you live. The available options are “Italy”, “France”, “OIRT” (East European countries) and “Europe” (other countries).This selection enables the tuning system to make a rapid and accurate identification of the channels listed in the ‘Radio Frequencies Tables” published at national level by each European country.
5)Select the option “Autostore” and confirm: the Autostore menu appears on the screen with the “Start” option already selected. If you do not want to proceed at this point, select “Cancel” and confirm.
6)If on the other hand you want to proceed with automatic tuning, confirm the Start option. The caption Searching… appears on the screen and the procedure commences. Each channel tuned is stored in the list and associated automatically with a programme number. As each channel
is tuned, the message “OK” appears alongside the corre- sponding programme number.
When the channel list is complete, the Searching... caption di- sappears and the screen displays the picture showing currently on the channel stored as programme 1.
Note: Once the Autostore function has started, it should be allowed to finish. If absolutely necessary, the search can be interrupted at any time by pressing the TV button [21].
Once the automatic procedure has finished, you may wish to personalise the list of channels, for example by changing some of the programme numbers, in which case proceed as indicated in the section “Personalising the List of Channels”.
Tuning and storing channels manually If you prefer to tune and store channels manually (one at a time), proceed as follows:
1)Press the yellow button [4] to display the Main Settings menu.
2)Scroll through the menu to “Installation” and confirm the selection.
3)Select “System”, then select the ‘transmission standard’ used for television broadcasts in your country. Select PAL- BG for Italian and German channels, etc…; Select
4)Now scroll through the menu to “Channel Type”, and select the “CH” option if you want to tune conventional terrestrial channels, or “S” for channels received via cable (only if you have a connection for cable TV).
5)Scroll through the menu to “Prog. Number” and use the num- ber buttons [2] of the remote control to enter the programme number (two digits, from 01 to 99) you want to assign to the
Note: It is good policy to leave programme number ‘0’ free, given that if a video recorder is connected to the aerial socket of the appliance, programme number ‘0’ will be used to store the signal coming from the external source.
6)Scroll through the menu to “AFC” and select “On”; this activates automatic frequency control, ensuring that the strongest available signal is captured.
7)Scroll through the menu to “Channel” and use the number buttons [2] of the remote control to enter the programme number of the channel (two digits) you want to tune. If you do not know the channel number, press and hold button [23] to start searching automatically for the next channel in sequence, or press button [24] for the previous channel in sequence. In this way the system will tune the first channel it finds.