This section must be read carefully and followed by the user prior to the operation of the product. The manual states important instructions for the user’s own safety, and the proper operation of the product.
Ignoring or disregarding the contents of this section and improper CAUTION operation of the product may result in the person’s death or seri-
ous injury.
Please keep the user’s manual in a safe place for future reference.
Do not put volatile
Do not spill water or drop the remote controller since it may be a cause of malfunctioning.
Do not view the TV too closely since it may cause damage in your eyesight.
Refer servicing to qualified service personnel for cleaning at least once a year since dust in- side theTV set may be a result or fire and mal- functioning of the product.
Do not put on any heavy item on the power cord since it may result in fire or hazardous electric shock if the cord is damaged.
Do not touch the power cord with moistur- ized or wet hands when plugging to or unplug- ging from the outlet since it may be a cause of electric shock.
Do not cover the top of the television set.Venti- lation will be prevented,and it may be a cause of fire if the product is internally overheated.
Please be advised of electric wires and cables when installing the antenna.It may be a cause of hazardous electric shock and fire if the an- tenna touches or falls on the electric wire;thus, it must be installed firmly, and far away from the cables.
Do not expose the product to a dusty or mois- turized place since it may be a cause of mal- functioning.
The product should be situated away from any heat
Unplug the power from the outlet and all the related connections from the unit to prevent electric shock.At least two people must work together to move the TV set when transport- ing to prevent theTV from falling,and conse- quently,any serious injury or damage.
The screen case of the product (32C1) is scratched easily.When cleaning,use the microfiber sheet which is enclosed.When a force to give it cleans strongly,it will be scratched and the product’s col- our will be changed.If the foreign material gets in the fiber,the product will be scratched.Shake off the fiber cleanly and use.