Installer Menus
Installer Menu Item 79-I through 90-I: Detailed Descriptions.
User programmable number, most significant byte- 1 readable by M.P.I. command.
User programmable number, most significant byte- 2 readable by M.P.I. command.
User programmable number, least significant byte readable by M.P.I. command.
Enforces rigid M.P.I checksum validation.
Set to 1 for validation. Set to 0 to turn off.
Adds an additional delay to the handshake time which is 64 msec, thus relaxing M.P.I. timing requirements to be compatible with PC based Windows controlled systems, range is 0 - 5. Set to 0 to retain standard 64 msec delay.
Set to 1 - 5 to increase @ 16 msec additional, the delay up to 144 msec.
Allows Parental Control blocking schemes to be permanent by removing the blocking hours function.
Set to 1 to install Parental Control blocking restrictions permanently.
Set to 0 for
Enables soft mute when a signal is not present.
Enables poke function through M.P.I. commands
Disables front panel keys. Set to 1 for disable. Set to 0 for enable.
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