Additional information | 09 |
Chapter 9
Additional information
Language code list
Enter the appropriate code number for the initial settings ÒDVD MENUÓ, ÒAUDIOÓ and/or ÒSUBTITLEÓ (see page 24).
Language(Lamguage code letter), Language Code
Abkhazian, 1112 | Danish, 1411 | Italian, 1930 | Norwegian, 2425 | Swedish, 2932 |
Afar, 1111 | Dutch, 2422 | Japanese , 2011 | Oriya, 2528 | Tagalog, 3022 |
Afrikaans, 1116 | English, 1524 | Javanese, 2033 | Panjabi, 2611 | Tajik, 3017 |
Albanian, 2927 | Esperanto, 1525 | Kannada , 2124 | Pashto, Pushto, 2629 | Tamil, 3011 |
Amharic, 1123 | Estonian, 1530 | Kashmiri , 2129 | Persian, 1611 | Tatar, 3030 |
Arabic, 1128 | Faroese, 1625 | Kazakh , 2121 | Polish, 2622 | Telugu, 3015 |
Armenian, 1835 | Fiji, 1620 | Kirghiz, 2135 | Portuguese , 2630 | Thai, 3018 |
Assamese, 1129 | Finnish, 1619 | Korean , 2125 | Quechua, 2731 | Tibetan, 1225 |
Aymara, 1135 | French , 1628 | Kurdish , 2131 | Tigrinya, 3019 | |
Azerbaijani, 1136 | Frisian , 1635 | Laothian, 2225 | Romanian, 2825 | Tonga, 3025 |
Bashkir, 1211 | Galician , 1722 | Latin, 2211 | Russian, 2831 | Turkish, 3028 |
Basque, 1531 | Georgian , 2111 | Latvian, Lettish, 2232 | Samoan, 2923 | Turkmen, 3021 |
Bengali; Bangla, 1224 | German, 1415 | Lingala, 2224 | Sanskrit, 2911 | Twi, 3033 |
Bhutani, 1436 | Greek, 1522 | Lithuanian, 2230 | Scots Gaelic , 1714 | Ukrainian, 3121 |
Bihari, 1218 | Greenlandic, 2122 | Macedonian, 2321 | Serbian, 2928 | Urdu, 3128 |
Breton, 1228 | Guarani , 1724 | Malagasy, 2317 | Uzbek, 3136 | |
Bulgarian, 1217 | Gujarati, 1731 | Malay, 2329 | Shona, 2924 | Vietnamese, 3219 |
Burmese, 2335 | Hausa, 1811 | Malayalam, 2322 | Sindhi, 2914 | VolapŸk, 3225 |
Byelorussian, 1215 | Hebrew, 1933 | Maltese, 2330 | Singhalese, 2919 | Welsh, 1335 |
Cambodian, 2123 | Hindi, 1819 | Maori, 2319 | Slovak, 2921 | Wolof, 3325 |
Catalan, 1311 | Hungarian, 1831 | Marathi, 2328 | Slovenian, 2922 | Xhosa, 3418 |
Chinese, 3618 | Icelandic, 1929 | Moldavian, 2325 | Somali, 2925 | Yiddish, 2019 |
Corsican, 1325 | Indonesian, 1924 | Mongolian, 2324 | Spanish, 1529 | Yoruba, 3525 |
Croatian, 1828 | Interlingua, 1911 | Nauru, 2411 | Sundanese, 2931 | Zulu, 3631 |
Czech, 1329 | Irish , 1711 | Nepali, 2415 | Swahili, 2933 |
Screen sizes and disc formats
When viewing on a standard TV or monitor
Screen format of disc | Setting | Appearance |
16:9 | 4:3 (Letter Box) | The program is shown |
| in widescreen with |
| black bars at the top |
| and bottom of the |
| screen. |
| 4:3 (Pan & Scan) | The sides of the |
| program are cropped |
| so that the picture fills |
| the whole screen. |
| Please note that many |
| widescreen discs override the player's | |
| settings so that the disc is shown in letter | |
| box format regardless of the setting. | |
4:3 | 16:9 | The program appears |
| squashed. Set to either |
| 4:3 (Letter Box) or 4:3 |
| (Pan & Scan). |
| 4:3 (Pan & Scan) | The program is |
| presented correctly on |
| either setting. |
When viewing on a widescreen TV or monitor
Screen format of disc | Setting | Appearance |
16:9 | 16:9 | The program is |
| presented in |
| widescreen. |
4:3 | 16:9 | Your TV will determine |
| how the picture is |
| |
| manual that came |
| with the TV for details. |
¥Using the 16:9 (Wide) setting with a standard 4:3 TV, or either of the 4:3 settings with a widescreen TV, will result in a distorted picture.