1.CHANNEL - Select the camera to be modified.
2.TITLE - Input the camera Title, max. 8 characters.
4.CONTRAST - Adjust color contrast
5.SATURATION - Adjust color saturation
6.HUE - Adjust color hue
1.CHANNEL - Select a channel for the setup.
2.SENSITIVITY GRADE - Adjusts the motion detection sensitivity. 1 (LOW)~5 (VERY HIGH)
3.RECORD DURATION - Sets the record duration from the time that motion is detected. If the system detects continuous motion, it keeps recording throughout the event, and for the duration after the last motion event.
•For example, the duration is set to 10 seconds, and the motion last for 3 minutes. The system records for 3 minutes and 10 seconds.
4.DETECT CELL NUMBER - Recording will only be triggered when the cells in motion are MORE THAN the number the user has set. The smaller the number, the more sensitive the detection is.
5.MOTION MASK - Area detection setup - sets which areas detect motion and which areas do not to detect motion.
•The area that is not detecting motion is Grey.
•Click the left mouse button and drag the zone WITHOUT motion detect
•Click the right button of mouse and drag the zone WITH motion detect.