Daewoo CP005P-010G1 specifications Enter Service Mode

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1.Select the Pr 91.

2.Adjust “Sparpness” to 0.

3.Enter the service mode using the following keys. R ! G ! MENU.


1)Set a Signal Generator with

￿RF FREQUENCY = 38.9MHz, 34.2MHz (L’)

￿RF OUTPUT LEVEL = 80 ± 5 dBuV

￿System = PAL for 38.9MHz.

SECAM-l for 43.2MHz

2)Connect the Signal Generator RF Output(PAL 38.9MHz) to P101 (Tuner IF Output). There must be no signal input to the tuner.

3)Locate the cursor to “VCO” in Service Mode Menu, then press the “Vol +” key and wait until the “Please wait” disappear on the TV screen.

4)Connect the Signal Generator RF Output(SECAM-L 34.2MHz) to P101 (Tuner IF Output).

5) Locate the cursor to “VCO-L” in Service Mode Menu, then press the “Vol +” key and wait until the “Please wait” disappear on the TV screen.

Image 7
Contents Service Guide #$%&%*+ Product Safety Servicing Guidelines for Audio Video Products Safety Checks Subject Implosion CP-005 Chassis Enter Service Mode Screen Geometry Vertical Center Page Device Summary ST92195BTV Peripherals Power Saving Modes1 ST9+ Core 3 I/O PortsSerial Peripheral Interface SPI Voltage Synthesis Tuning ControlStandard Timer Stim PWM OutputST92195 Block Diagram PIN Description PIN Description Cont’d ST92195 Required External components 1 I/O Port Alternate Functions PIN Description Cont’d P070, P250, P374, P470, P510ST92195 I/O Port Alternate Function Summary Example 2 PWM 0 output How to Read this Table2 I/O Port Styles Example 1 ADC trigger digital inputDPM STV223XD/223X/224X STV223XD/3X/4X BCL/SAF PIN Connections STV223XD TQFP64 Block Diagram STV2238D TQFP64 No Power No Picture No Sound No Color No ON-SCREEN Display %!-$1 Page +*+ $*#+ #*#+ $#%# Mechanical Exploded View Important Service Notes Alignment Instructions Geometry Vertical Center Electrical Parts List HRFT470JCA Chip Video