Section 4.1 - Navigation
4 – Menu and basic operations
4.1 Navigation
The menus are arranged hierarchically, from a top (master) menu, through to individual parameters. The master “top” menu appears like this:
S e l e c t M e n u | G r o u p | ||||||
> 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
8 | 9 | A |
| E | F |
D l y / T r . C / V a r i / L o c t
The cursor is represented here by the > symbol.
Use the LEFT and RIGHT keys to move the cur- sor along a row, and the UP and DOWN keys to move it between rows.
As the cursor moves over the menu group num- bers, the bottom line of the screen will change to show an abbreviated summary of the contents of the menu group. In the example above, the con- tents of the 0 menu group are: track delay, track copy settings, varispeed and the location
When the cursor is over the menu group which you wish to enter, press the SELECT key to enter the menu group (menu group 0 is shown here):
> D e l a y | T r k | C o p y |
V a r i S p d L o c | P r e |
10 0 0 0 s a m p l e
Again, the bottom line of the display shows an abbreviated version of some or all of the settings made in the menu to which the cursor points.
When in a menu group, use the cursor keys to move between options, and press SELECT when the cursor is to the left of the menu you wish to
enter. For the purposed of this example, we will examine the Vari Spd menu.
V a r i S p e e d |
M a c h i n e | 1 | |
F i x | + | 0 . 0 % |
In this menu, there are two editable fields, as you will see if you move the cursor with the LEFT and RIGHT cursor keys. The cursor changes so that the field which is currently to be edited is high- lighted by an underline cursor.
The first editable field is the Fix field, which may be changed between the values of Fix and Vari. The second field is the numerical field which sets the amount of the varispeed as a per- centage of normal speed. The values of both fields are set with the UP and DOWN cursor keys.
As soon as a value is changed, it is set. There is no need to press any key to confirm the entry.
To return to a level above the current level, press the ESCAPE key. You can continue pressing the ESCAPE key until the top menu is reached.
Note that the Machine value (i.e. which machine is being controlled) cannot be set in this way (this is explained in 4.3, “Selecting the unit controlled by the menus”).
4.1.1 Invalid operations
Some operations are only possible on certain models of DTRS recorder. For instance, timecode functions are only available on the
Another kind of invalid operation is when a DTRS unit can perform a certain operation, but the selected operation cannot be performed under the current set of conditions (e.g. TDIF word length cannot be set while analog inputs are selected). In these cases, the word Inoperable will be shown on the display.