Section 7.2 - Unit-related functions
2)Use the LEFT and RIGHT keys to select a unit, and the UP and DOWN keys to change the setting between Digital and Analog.
See p15 and
7.2.8 Varispeed (pitch control)
The DTRS design allows for ±6.0% speed control, in 0.1% increments.
1)From menu group 0, move the cursor to Vari Spd, and press SELECT:
V a r i S p e e d |
M a c h i n e | 1 |
| |
F i x | + | 0 . | 0 % |
2)Use the UP key to change Fix to Vari, or the DOWN key to change Vari to Fix.
The VARI indicator [10] will light if Vari is selected, even if the setting is 0.0%, and will go out if Fix is selected, even if the setting is not zero.
3)Move the cursor to the right (numeric) field, and use the UP and DOWN keys to set the value.
The varispeed function is only available if the unit clock has been set to internal (see 7.2.6, “Clock selection”) and the video resolve function (see 8.2.10, “Video resolve” ) is off.
7.2.9 Input selection
DTRS units can accept either digital or analog inputs. The choice of which inputs are to be used for each machine is made in the following way:
1)From menu group 9, move the cursor to InputSel and press SELECT:
I n p u t S e l e c t |
| |
D i g i t a l | » | » |
A n a l o g » | » » » |
M a c h i n e 1 | 2 3 4 5 | 6 |
2)Use the UP and DOWN keys to select between the digital and analog input sources for each unit.
In the screen above, units 1 through 4 are accept- ing analog signals, while 5 and 6 are using TDIF - 1 digital inputs.
7.2.10 Word length
3898 The
1)From menu group 2, move the cursor to Word Len, and press SELECT:
T D I F W o r d | L e n g t h |
M a c h i n e 1 | |
1 6 | b i t |
2)Use the UP and DOWN keys to select between 16, 20 and 24 bit word length of incoming data, which will be converted to 16 bits for recording purposes.
If you select a value higher than 16, you may want to experiment with the Dither settings (see 7.2.11, “Dither”, below), as this may help with dis- tortion, though a little may be lost from the signal-
7.2.11 Dither
3898 Dithering, in digital audio, is the tech- nique of adding a known noise signal to a low- level input signal, especially when converting from a word length with a higher number of bits than the destination (see 7.2.10, “Word length” above).
Paradoxically, this technique removes quantiza- tion noise and improves overall distortion figures, though at the slight expense of the
8.13 of the
1)From menu group 1, move the cursor to Dither and press SELECT:
D i t h e r
M a c h i n e 1
o f f
2)Allowable values for
See the section 8.13 of the