Section 8.1 - Primary timecode functions
8.1.5 Starting and stopping the generator
1)From menu group 8, move the cursor to Gen Mode and press SELECT:
G e n e r a t e M o d e M c n 1
0 0 : 5 7 : 0 0 : 0 0 | 3 0 D F | |
R u n / S t o p M o d e |
| |
S t o p | C o n t i n u e | |
2)Use the LEFT and RIGHT cursor keys to move between the Run/Stop and Mode fields.
3)Use the UP and DOWN keys in the Mode field to determine whether the generator will Continue from the last point where it was stopped, or whether it will be Reset to the starting value as set above when restarted.
4)When the cursor is on the Run/Stop field, use the UP key to start the generator, and the DOWN key to stop it again.
8.1.6Checking the generator progress
While the generator screen above is visible, the generator’s output can be viewed in the display screen. However, there is also another way to check the generator:
1)From menu group E, move the cursor to Gen TC (there is no need to press SELECT):
E x t | T C | A b s D i f f | |
T a p e T C | R e l D i f f | ||
> G e n | T C |
0 1 : 0 2 : 3 4 : 1 2 | 3 0 D F | ||
The bottom line of the display shows the current timecode value being output by the generator. If the generator is stopped, it will show the value at which it was stopped.
8.1.7 Recording the timecode on a DTRS timecode track
This procedure applies to all timecode recording, regardless of the timecode source used.
The dedicated timecode tracks of any DTRS units can be armed and safed on a
1)From menu group 8, move the cursor to TcTrkRec and press SELECT:
T C T r a c k R e c o r d |
| ||
e n a b l e » |
d i s a b l e | » | » » » | » | |
M a c h i n e 1 | 2 | 3 4 | 5 6 |
2)Use the UP and DOWN keys to arm the timecode track on the required DTRS unit(s). Make sure that all other units’ timecode tracks are disabled.
Remember, as mentioned earlier, that it is usually necessary to record timecode on only one unit; the other units in the chain can use the DTRS chase facility. However, it may be necessary, if dubbing audio tracks, etc. between DTRS units, to transfer timecode simultaneously with the audio tracks.
When a unit’s timecode track is armed for record- ing, and that machine is selected, as shown by the MACHINE indicators [8], the TC REC indicator
[10]on the
3)Rewind the tape to the beginning.
It is possible to start recording timecode halfway through the tape, but it can make later synchroni- zation difficult. For this reason, we advise record- ing timecode all the way through the tape from the start (unless you use the
4) Start the timecode source.
If the timecode source is an external source (see 8.1.1, “Selecting the timecode source”), start the source so that timecode is transmitted from it.
If the timecode source is the DTRS internal gener- ator, start the generator as described in 8.1.5, “Starting and stopping the generator”.
If the timecode source is the ABS timing, used to synthesize timecode, no separate operation is nec- essary to start the timecode source.
5)Press and hold down the RECORD key and press the PLAY key.
The TC REC indicator on the