Section 6.5 - Location operations
The time mode selected here is the reference time mode for punch operations, location operations, etc.
1)From menu group 3, move the cursor to TimeMode and press SELECT:
T i m e M o d e
A B S » » » » » »
M a c h i n e 1 2 3 4 5 6
In the above screen, all machines are referenced to the ABS time.
2)Use the UP and DOWN keys to select between ABS and TC settings.
Note that these settings show the way in which the position on the DTRS unit is shown on the TAPE TIME display and may also be used to control the chase mode of the DTRS units as described in 8.1.8, “Chasing to external timecode”.
6.5 Location operations
Location transport operations on the
However, it is also possible to set a locate
For example, if the
In the following explanations, in the interests of clarity and brevity, we will refer to the units locating to the location time. This should always be assumed to be the location time minus the location offset, unless specifically mentioned otherwise.
6.5.1 Setting the location pre-roll value
To set the
1)From menu group 0, move the cursor to Loc Pre, and press SELECT:
L o c a t e P r e - r o l l
0 0 m i n 0 0 s e c
2)Use the LEFT and RIGHT keys to move between the min and sec fields, and set the values using the UP and DOWN keys.
It is also possible to use the numeric keypad here. The “hours” and “frames” digits of the value shown in the LOCATE TIME/VALUE display will be ignored, and only the “minutes” and “seconds” used.
The maximum value that may be set here is 59min59sec, and the minimum value is 00min00sec. It is not possible to have a negative
The values set here apply to the
The values set here do not apply to the
6.5.2 Auto play
When the DTRS unit reaches the location point, it will normally go into stop mode.
However, if the AUTO PLAY indicator [33] is on, the unit will automatically start playing when the location point is reached.
6.5.3 “Instant” location
If you are playing back or recording, and you wish to mark a point for later
1)Press the CAPTURE key [29] at the point where you wish to return.
2)At any point following the capture, press the LOC key to return to the location point that has just been captured.
It is not necessary to stop the tape before pressing LOC. Location can be performed while the unit’s transport is in any mode, including fast forward and rewind.
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