The following is an overview of the keys and inputs located behind the front panel flap door.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
1C O P Y
Press to copy a DVD in the DVD deck to a VHS tape in the VCR deck. Note: The DVD+VCR will not copy Macrovision® encoded DVDs.
2C H A N N E L + / –
Press to select the next or previous channel.
3S E T U P
Press to display the DVD+VCR “Setup Menu.”
4T V / V C R
Press to switch back and forth between your television’s tuner and the DVD+VCR’s internal tuner. This key has no effect if you connected the DVD+VCR to your television with the Line connection; it is only appli- cable with the RF connection (see page 2).
6 7 8
5V O L U M E + / –
Press to adjust the volume up or down.
6L I N E 1 V I D E O I N P U T
Connect to the video output (yellow) of an external video source, such as a camcorder or video game.
7L I N E 1 L E F T A U D I O I N P U T
Connect to the left audio output (white) of an external audio source. Use this jack when connecting mono sources.
8L I N E 1 R I G H T A U D I O I N P U T
Connect to the right audio output (red) of an external audio source.
2 - Quick Tour