RF modulator type
If the Mediamaster is connected to the TV with a RF cable, you must select the right RF modulator alternative, which is depend- ent on the country where the Mediamaster is being used.
Select Normal (PAL B/G) for all countries except the UK.
Select UK (PAL I) when the box is used in the UK.
If you get picture but no sound, the RF modulator selection might be wrong.
Channel Search
The Channel Search procedure can be performed in two differ- ent ways: Automatic Search or Manual Search.
Automatic Search *
•Start the Automatic search on by pressing OK.
Manual Search *
When you perform a Manual search you first need to enter some parameters for the channel search to work.
The information you need to enter in this menu is available from your Service Provider.
Frequency: Enter the frequency . If you enter the wrong figure(s), erase with the button.
Transmission Mode: Select 2k or 8k.
Guard Interval: Select one of the available alternatives.
Network Search: Select Yes if you want to search on all frequen- cies in a specific network.
•Press OK to start searching for channels. (See Channel Search Progress” on the next page.)
* Frequency Offset
Select No and only the standard, fixed, channel frequencies will be used at the search procedure. Under normal circumstances this will be quite sufficient. Select Yes when you want the search procedure to be more accurate. The fixed channel frequency will still be searched, but this time with two extra steps; ± 167 kHz from the fixed frequency. NOTE! You have to select Yes or No before you start the search procedure.
GB 14