Navi Bars
Settings folder ☛ Modem
In the future some Service Providers may make it possible for you to order e. g. movies via an external phone modem.
Normally you do not need to change any of the following settings. They are there to make it possible to use any external modem that accepts AT commands. For more information about AT com- mands, please consult the documentation of your particular modem.
If the connection has to pass a switch board, enter the digit(s) that will open the line.
International dialling code
This sequence of numbers will replace the ‘+’ sign in an interna- tional phone number where the ‘+’ sign is followed with coun- try code, area code and actual local number. Maximum length of the number is four digits.
Modem initialising
In most cases you can leave this field empty. To start with, always check your system without entering anything in this field.
This field specifies the data transfer rate (speed) between your Mediamaster and your modem. In most cases modems can de- tect the right speed automatically.
Default value is 57600 bits/s. If your modem does not seem to respond, enter a lower value.
GB 21