SoG Sync-on-Green refers to an RGB video connection that has the sync (timing) signals combined with the green signal. Only three wires are required for this connection, compared with five wires for an RGB+HV video connection.
S/PDIF The Sony/Philips Digital Interface Format is commonly used to transmit digital audio information from a source (such as a DVD player) to a receiver (such as an audio processor). The connectors used for S/PDIF are common RCA (Cinch) connectors. Also see AES/EBU.
S-VideoAn Interlaced video signal that has two components; one for brightness (black-and-white) information and another for color information. Performance is much better than Composite video, but due to bandwidth restrictions, has less color detail than does interlaced Component video.
UOP The DVD format allows the disc itself to send commands to the player. A User Operation Prohibition is a disc-based command that tells the DVD player to ignore commands issued by the user. For example, some DVDs will display the FBI warning at the beginning of the disc and issue a UOP that temporarily disables most user commands.
YCbCr A digital Component signal, where Y is the brightness (black-and-white) signal, and Cb and Cr are the color signals. The picture on a DVD is stored in YCbCr format, as it requires less storage space for a given visible resolution than does RGB.