4MUSIC - Playlists
A Playlist is a list of songs that the Gmini 400 will automatically play one after the other. The Gmini 400 can load one playlist at a time into its internal memory. You can create new playlists, add or delete
songs from a playlist, or Save a playlist as a fi le (fi le type .m3u) to be used another time. There is no limit to the number of playlists you can save on the
Gmini 400 hard disk. Playlists are indicated by a special list icon (circled icon to the left).
4.1Playing a Playlist
To play a Playlist, you simply scroll to the Playlist, such as ‘Jazz Music’ shown to the left, and click on PLAY ►. The list of songs will be loaded into the internal memory of the Gmini 400 and then be displayed in a separate panel.
Click on PLAY ► and the songs will be played in the order shown. To shuffl e the music entries in a random order, you can click on Playlist (F1), then choose Shuffle. You can open
a Playlist file (Playlistname.m3u) on
your computer with a text editor such as Notepad, and you will see that it is merely a list of fi les to be played along with the hard disk path to find them. If you delete a Playlist from your Gmini 400, you are only deleting the list and not the music itself.
Example of the contents of the .m3u Playlist fi le ‘Jazz Music’.