Rotate picture 90° left | View next photo |
Rotate picture 90° right View previous photo
•Click the left function button
•Click the center function button Picture to display the picture options.
•Click on the right function button Hide to hide the picture name and function buttons.
Magnifying Photos
Once the picture is displayed in full screen, clicking the PLAY/GO button ► will magnify the image up to three levels. Each successive click of the PLAY/GO button will magnify the picture one more level. You can use your direction buttons to move the picture around in order to see the desired magnified area. The small + signs on the bottom left of the screen indicate the level of magnification, either +, ++, or +++. Click on STOP/ ESC to go back to an unmagnified view.
11.2Viewing a slideshow
By clicking on Slideshow, the Gmini 400 will present each picture in the current folder for a set amount of time and then go on to the next picture. You can set the amount of time that each picture stays on the screen under Setup > PlayMode > Picture Pause. This parameter is the number of seconds each picture displays on the screen.