2Using "PCoIP"
The gateway IP address of the device. If DHCP is disabled, this field is required. If DHCP is enabled, you cannot edit this field.
zPrimary DNS Server
The primary DNS IP address of the device. This field is optional. If the DNS server IP address is configured using the Connection Manager, the address may be set as an FQDN instead of an IP address.
zSecondary DNS Server
The secondary DNS IP address of the device. This field is optional. If the DNS server IP address is configured using the Connection Manager, the address may be set as an FQDN instead of an IP address.
zDomain Name
The domain name used (e.g., 'domain.local'). This field is optional. This field specifies the host or domain of the client.
The Fully Qualified Domain Name for the host or client. The default value is
zEthernet Mode
Lets you configure the Ethernet mode of the host or client as:
100 Mbps Full-Duplex
10 Mbps Full-Duplex
When you choose 10 Mbps
"Warning: When
You should always set the Ethernet Mode to Auto and only use 10 Mbps
IPv6 Tab
The IPv6 page lets you enable IPv6 for PCoIP devices connected to your IPv6 network.
z IPv6 is not currently supported by VMware View.
2 Using "PCoIP" 38