Please note: The best performance will be provided over the HDMI connection. Between the two HDMI outputs, HDMI 1 should be given priority for use since it benefits from the superior Marvell QDEO video processing solution.
To make your selection, use the UP/DOWN ARROW buttons to highlight the choice, and then press the ENTER button to go to the next step.
Step: 2/6
Choose the primary video output that you use.
Better performance will be provided over an HDMI connection.
Easy Setup
The player can output video through its HDMI and component output terminals. (Composite video output is also available but not recommended.) By setting the “Primary Video Output” option, the player can optimize video output of the selected terminal. The choices are “HDMI 1”, “HDMI 2” and “Analog”. If you connect the player to the TV using an HDMI cable (see Method 1 on page 10, Method
2 on page 11, Method 4 on page 14, or Method 8 on page 18), please select “HDMI 1” or “HDMI 2” correspondingly. If you connect the player to the TV using component video cables (see Method 3 on page 13), please select “Analog”.
The Easy Setup Wizard will help you configure the basic settings for this player. More detailed settings can be accessed at the Setup Menu at any time after finishing or exiting the wizard.
Press OK to initiate the Easy Setup Wizard, press Cancel to exit this Wizard immediately.
Choose the Primary Video Output
The first step of the Easy Setup Wizard allows you to skip the entire wizard. If you are familiar with setting up audio/video equipment and would like to customize the player settings using its Setup Menu, you may use the LEFT/RIGHT ARROW buttons to select the “Cancel” option, then press the ENTER key to exit the Easy Setup Wizard. Otherwise, to continue with the Easy Setup Wizard, select the “OK” option and press the ENTER key.
Setting Up the Player - Easy Setup Wizard Access the Easy Setup Wizard
When the player is turned on for the first time, an Easy Setup Wizard screen will appear. It is a series of guided instructions designed to configure the basic settings for the player.
To start the Easy Setup Wizard, please follow these steps:
1) Turn on the TV.
2) Turn on the player.
3) Switch the input selection on your TV so that the TV displays the signal from the player. You should see the first step of the Easy Setup Wizard.
If the Easy Setup Wizard has previously been completed or canceled, it will no longer initiate when you turn on the player. Instead, you will see the background screen with the OPPO and Blu-Ray Disc logos. To access Easy Setup Wizard, please press the SETUP button on the remote control, select Device Setup, then Reset
Factory Default. Select “OK” to confirm loading
Easy Setupthe factory default settings. Once the factory default settings are loaded the Easy Setup Wizard will appear.
Step: 1/6