One for All URC 4063 user manual Using the Favorite Channel Key, Troubleshooting

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Using the Favorite Channel Key

Your One For All ® Easy 4 is equipped with a favorite c hannel key (FAV CH). You c an set up the FAV CH key with a list of up to 10 of your favorite c hannels for either your TV,VCR, Ca ble Box, Satellite or DSS. Please note, the FAV CH key c an only be set up for one devic e key (TV, VCR/ LD or CBL/ SAT) at a time. You c annot set up a favorite c hannel list for another devic e key until you have c leared the FAV CH key of your original list.

1Press the devic e key (TV, VCR/ LD, or CBL/ SAT) for the home entertainment


c omponent that will c ontain your


favorite c hannel list.




2Press and hold SETUP until One For All ® Easy 4’s red light blinks twic e. Release

SETUP SETUP and press 9-9-6.

9 - 9 - 6




Red light not blinking

Replac e the batteries with four (4)

when you press a key?

new AAA alkaline batteries.



The red light blinks

Make sure you are aiming your

when you press a key

One For All ® Easy 4 at your home

but you rec eive no

entertainment c omponent and

response from your

that you are within 15 feet of the

home entertainment

c omponent you are trying to

c omponent ?

operate before using your





The One For All ® Easy

Try all the c odes listed for your

4 does not operate

home entertainment c omponent

your home

in the "Set-Up Codes" sec tion.


Many set-up c odes may allow for

c omponent or is not

partial func tionality, however, only

p erforming

one set-up c ode will operate your

c ommands properly?

home entertainment c omponent


properly. Make sure that all of the


c omponents you are setting up


are able to be operated with an


infrared remote c ontrol.



Problems program-

Use the VCR set-up c odes for your

ming a TV/ VCR

brand . Some c ombo units may

c ombo?

require both a TV c ode to c ontrol


volume and a VCR c ode for full



This product has been discontinued and is no

One For All ® PRODUCTS

longer supported. Limited Warranty

One For All(“ OFA” ) warrants, to the original purc haser only, that thisproduc t will be free from defec tsin materialsand workmanship, under normal use, for ninety (90) days from the date of original purc hase.

This wa rra nty d oes not c over d a ma g e or fa ilures c a used by prod uc ts or servic es not supplied by OFA, or whic h result from ac c ident, misuse, abuse, neglec t, mishandling, misapplic ation, fa ulty insta lla tion, set-up a d justment, imp rop er ma intena nc e, a ltera tion, ma la d justment of c onsumer c ontrols, mod ific a tions, c ommerc ial use, or that is attributa ble to ac ts of God .

There are no express warranties exc ept as listed a bove. OFA SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS PRODUCT OR ARISING OUT OF A NY BREAC H O F WA RRA NTY. A LL EXPRESS A ND IM PLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, ARE LIMITED TO THE WARRANTY PERIOD SET FORTH ABOVE. Some states do not allow the exc lusion or limitation of inc idental or c onsequential damages, or limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, so the above exc lusions or limitations may not apply to you. This warranty gives you spec ific legal rights and you may also have other rights whic h vary from state to state.

To ob ta in wa rra nty servic e for a d efec tive p rod uc t d uring the warranty period,please return the produc t,prefera bly in the original c arton, along with your purc hase rec eipt, to the store of original purc hase. A note detailing the c omplaint would be helpful. The store, at its option, will replac e or repair this produc t if found to be defec tive.





Enter the c hannel number of the first c hannel you would like to add to your favorite c hannel list. Then press SETUP.

If you are entering a single digit c hannel number, you must press 0 first.

If you are entering a c hannel that is three digits long, suc h as 103, you do not have to press SETUP after you have entered the

c hannel number.

If your original remote c ontrol required you to use an ENTER key to c hange c hannels, press ENTER instead of SETUP after entering your c hannel number. For example, if you want to add TV c hannel “ 4” to your favorite c hannel list, you would: Pre ss TV, then press and hold SETUP until the One For All ® Easy 4’s red light blinks twic e, then release SETUP and press 9-9-6. Press 0-4, followed by ENTER. Then, add your sec ond

c hannel, followed by ENTER, and c ontinue adding your favorite

c hannels until you have added the 10 c hannels you desire in your favorite c hannel list.

Continue adding your favorite

c hannels, up to 10 c hannels. Onc e you have finished, press and hold SETUP until the One For All ® Easy 4’s red light blinks twice.

VCR not rec ording?

As a safety feature on the One



For All ® Easy 4, you must press the



REC key twic e.




No volume when in

Press and hold SETUP until the One

the Cable mode or

For All ® Easy 4's red light blinks

when operating a

twic e. Release SETUP and enter

sec ond TV or TV/ VCR

9-9-3 followed by VOL +.

c ombination?





Channel +/ - and

Due to RCA design (1983-1987),

RECALL not working for

only the original remote c ontrol

your RCA TV?

will operate these func tions.



However, using the FAV CH key will



allow you to run through a list of



up to 10 of your favorite c hannels.



Problems c hanging

If your original remote c ontrol

c hannels?

required a ENTER keystroke when



c hanging c hannels, press the



ENTER key on the One For All ®



Easy 4 after you enter the



c hannel number.




Keypad sc rambled?

Press and hold SETUP until the



One For All ® Easy 4's red light



blinks twic e. Release SETUP and



enter 9-6-9.




World Wide Web: http:/ / www.oneforall.c om

One For All

One For All® is a trademark of Universal Elec tronic s Inc .

Copyright 1996 by Universal Elec tronic s Inc . No part of this public ation may be reproduc ed, transmitted, transc ribed, stored in any retrieval system, or translated to any language, in any form or by any means, elec tronic , mec hanic al, magnetic , optic al, manual, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Universal Elec tronic s Inc .

This One For All® produc t is designed for c ompatibility in North Americ a exc luding Mexic o.

URC-4063 - One For All® Big Easy Selec t Easy 4. M4022

5/ 98


To sc an through your favorite c hannel


list, press FAV CH. Your One For All ® Easy


4 will automatic ally sc an through your


favorite c hannel list, stopping at eac h


c hannel for three sec onds.

6To stop at one of your favorite c hannels, press any key on the One For All ® Easy 4.

To c lear an entire favorite c hannel list from the FAV CH key:

1Press and hold SETUP until the One For All ® Easy 4’s red light blinks twic e, then


release SETUP.


Press 9-9-6, then press and hold SETUP

9- 9- 6

until the One For All ® Easy 4’s red light


blinks twic e.


Image 7
Contents Set-Up Codes for TVs Installing the BatteriesFeatures and Functions Setting Up Your ComponentsSet-Up Codes for VCRs Set-Up Codes for Cable Converters Set-Up Codes for TV/VCR CombosSet-Up Codes for CD Players Set-Up Codes for SatellitesPlay. If your VCR or Laser Disc Player Control did not have a Power key, pressTrying each code listed for your brand PLAY. Your component should start toReassigning Device Keys Set-Up Codes for Laser DiscsTroubleshooting Using the Favorite Channel Key