Note: This toy works best if you have a clear path between the remote control and the dinosaur. Point the remote control at the dinosaur and press a button. The maximum range of the remote control is 15 feet.
Press and hold the top side of the button to move Spike forward; the left side
to move Spike left; and right side
to move Spike right.
Press this button to lower Spike’s head.
Press and hold the top side or the bottom side
of the button to move Spike’s neck up and down.
Press this button to make Spike stand up, light up and roaarrrrr! Press again and Spike drops back down on all fours!
Press this button to open Spike’s mouth. Press again to close Spike’s mouth. If Spike has a boulder or bone in his mouth, press this button to release it!
Press the fun button again and again to see what Spike does all on his own!
See if you can make him sniff, growl, pick up the bone, laugh, cough, sneeze or burp!
Go to www.imaginext.com for more information.