19.0 Using the Tether
All LATCH seating positions have tether anchors. Always use tether if a vehicle tether anchor is DYDLODEOHFKHFN\RXUYHKLFOHRZQHU¶VPDQXDOIRUWKHWHWKHUDQFKRUORFDWLRQV,I\RXUYHKLFOHLV QRWHTXLSSHGZLWKDWHWKHUDQFKRULWPD\EHSRVVLEOHWRLQVWDOORQH&RQWDFW\RXUYHKLFOH dealership for the proper anchor location and installation.
1.Check that tether is securely attached to child restraint.
2.Fasten tether clip to anchor point .
3.Tighten the tether strap securely .
pulling on the belt as shown .