Appendix: Advanced Settings for H.264
Setting | Explanation |
| Because teas (10) is not achievable in real time encoding there |
| is no reason to use it. |
| dia – (diamond) is the simplest search. It starts at the best |
| predictor, checks the motion vectors at one pixel upwards, |
| left, down, and to the right, chooses the best, and repeats the |
| process until it no longer finds any better motion vectors. This |
| setting is the fastest. |
| hex – (hexagon) is the default setting. It uses a similar strategy |
| to dia, except it uses a |
| It is considerably more efficient than dia and hardly any |
| slower. This setting is a good choice for general use. |
| umh – (uneven |
| searches a complex |
| |
| hex. |
| esa – (exhaustive) is a highly optimized intelligent search of |
| the entire motion search space within range of the best |
| predictor. It is the mathematically equivalent to the brute |
| force method of searching every single motion vector in that |
| area, though faster. It is still considerably slower than umh. |
| teas – (transformed exhaustive) attempts to approximate the |
| effect of running a Hadamard transform comparison at each |
| motion vector. It’s a little bit better than esa but a little bit |
| slower, too slow for practical use. |
MotionEstimationRange | This value controls the maximum range of the motion search. |
| For hex and dia, the encoder only uses between 4 and 16. umh |
| and esa allow you to increase past 16 to allow a wider range of |
| motion search, which is useful for |
| for |
| significantly slows down encoding. |
MotionEstimationSubPelQuality | This value controls the subpixel motion estimation quality. |
| Higher numbers are better. Levels 1 through 5 simply control |
| the subpixel refinement strength. Level 6 enables RDO for |
| mode decision, and level 8 enables RDO for motion vectors |
| and intra prediction modes. RDO levels are significantly slower |
| than the previous levels. |
| 0 — fullpel only (not recommended) |
| 1 — QPel SAD 1 iteration |
| 2 — QPel SATD 2 iterations |
| 3 — HPel on MB then Qpel |
| 4 — Always Qpel |
| 5 — Multi QPel + bime |
84 | ViewCast |