Photo Finder is an image data loading application of Nikon Photo Secretary II for F100. Photo Finder can be started up independently. However, in most cases, it is started up via Photo Secretary. Photo Finder allows you to load image data from a scanner or other equipment, or Photo CD. The loaded image data can be edited and saved as files. ("Image List" and "Load Multiple Images" commands are available in Photo Secretary.)
Started via the Photo Secretary when shooting data is linked to the image data, the Photo Finder sends information about image to the Photo Secretary.
(Fig. 49)
Photo Finder offers the following functions:
•Opens image data files such as Bitmap, JPEG, TIFF and FlashPix files.
•Downloads image data from data input equipment such as a scanner, etc.
•Opens image data files from Photo CD.
•Rotates image 90 degrees to left or right.
•Changes display size of image.
•Changes picture size.
•Saves displayed image as an image data file such as Bitmap, JPEG or FlashPix file.
•Prints the displayed image and shooting data.
For details, see the help messages for Photo Finder.