Background Temperature
Temperature behind and surrounding the target, as viewed from the instrument.
A perfect emitter; an object that absorbs all the radiant energy incident on it at all wavelengths and reflects and transmits none. A surface with emissivity of unity (1.00).
°C (Celsius)
Temperature scale based on 0° (zero degrees) as the freezing point of water, and 100° as the vaporization point of water, at standard pressure.
θF 32
A methodical measurement procedure to determine all the parameters significantly affecting an instrument’s performance.
Calibration Source
A source (blackbody, hot plate, etc.) of known and traceable temperature and emissivity. Usually NIST traceable in the USA, with other recognized standards available for international customers.
Colored Body
Distance to size ratio. See Optical Resolution.
A transducer which produces a voltage or current proportional to the IR energy incident upon it. See also thermopile, pyroelectric, and Si detectors.
Deutsches Institut für Normung (DIN) is the German standard for many instrumentation products.
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